Summer 2023 Spark Program Information

Welcome to our Spark summer program! Spark summer 2023 will operate at the following sites. Children going into grades 1 – 6 may attend any of the five locations, regardless of their home school. After registering, families will not be permitted to choose an alternate location and are required to utilize their selected location for the duration of summer. Summer programming for children going into grades 1 - 6 will be offered at the following five locations:

  • Ackerman Elementary: 5110 S 156 Street | 402-991-6716

  • Montclair Elementary: 2405 S 138 Street | 402-991-6745

  • Rockwell Elementary: 6370 S 140 Avenue | 402-991-6771

  • Upchurch Elementary: 8686 S 165 Street | 402-991-6789

  • Wheeler Elementary: 6707 S 178 Street | 402-991-6794

If you have a child that will be entering grades 5 or 6, your child is eligible to attend our Spark Up program. Spark Up is a program that is designed to peak the interests of older children. Only children entering grades 5 and 6 may attend this program location.  If you do not prefer your 5/6 child attend the Spark Up location, you do have the option to choose any of the other five locations. Spark Up will be located at Black Elk this summer.

  • Black Elk Elementary: 6708 S 161 Avenue | 402-991-6722

General Information

  • Registration for current Spark families begins February 1st. The deadline to register for summer is
    Friday, May 12th.

  • To be eligible for the summer program children must have completed kindergarten and not yet begun the sixth grade.

  • Families are permitted to sign up on a weekly basis. To attend our summer program families must register for a minimum of one week of services.

  • Children going into grades 1 – 6 may register for any of the following locations: Ackerman, Montclair, Rockwell, Upchurch, and Wheeler. Children going into grades 5 or 6 are eligible to attend our Spark Up program located at Black Elk; OR may attend any of the other five operating locations. Once registered, children must remain at the location selected for all weeks utilized during the summer program. Children will not be permitted to utilize multiple locations.

  • Hours of operation will be Monday – Friday, 6:30am – 6:00pm.

  • Childcare services will be offered, May 30 – August 4, 2023. The program will be closed Tuesday, July 4, 2023 for Independence Day.

Enrichment & Programming

  • We have structured our program to provide a variety of enrichment opportunities. We will be separating children by age during main programming time to further engage children and provide programming that is grade level appropriate.

  • Our program will include STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math), planned gross motor activities and games, literacy, skill building, and wellness. These will be fun, interactive, and intentional to provide learning opportunities, but with your child’s enjoyment in mind! Children will continue to have free choice opportunities. We want learning to be fun!

  • Off-site field trips have been scheduled to enhance our new program. Additionally, outside presenters and virtual field trips may be utilized.

  • Children are not permitted to bring electronic devices from home as our enrichment focus will provide fun, innovative, and monitored technology; replacing unplanned screen time.

Summer Tuition & Fees

  • Summer tuition will be charged on a weekly basis. Deductions will occur on Mondays for the upcoming week of services.

  • Summer tuition is $227/week. Sibling and MPS discounts apply

  • Pre-registered charges are non-refundable, regardless of attendance.

  • There is a $50.00 registration fee for each child registered, regardless of the number of registered weeks. Registration fees will be charged, to the auto-pay account provided, at the time the contract is approved.

  • Breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack are included in the contracted amount.


Summer 2023 Tuition Schedule

• May 29, 2023
May 30 – June 2 : $227

• June 5, 2023
June 5 - June 9 : $227

• June 12, 2023
June 12 - June 16 : $227

 • June 19, 2023
June 19 - June 23 : $227

 • June 26, 2023
June 26 - June 30 : $227

 • July 3, 2023
July 3 - July 7 : $227

 • July 10, 2023
July 10 - July 14 : $227

 • July 17, 2023
July 17 - July 21 : $227

 • July 24, 2023
July 24 - July 28 : $227

 • July 31, 2023
31 - August 4 : $227

  • There is a 10% discount for each additional child registered for the summer program.

  • MPS employees receive a 25% for summer program services.