What We Do
Millard Public Schools Foundation Helps You Help Students
Greatest Need
As needs arise throughout the district, Millard Public Schools Foundation stands ready to meet those needs. Your unrestricted gift ensures that we stand ready when called by the district to fill in gaps for schools, students, or staff.
Your gift will benefit :
The greatest needs of the district as they arise.
Enhancing Academic Innovations
Millard Public Schools has developed a culture that encourages and fosters students to challenge themselves throughout their education. Together with technology, these academic innovations give every Millard student the foundation for success. We believe in empowering every student’s ability to learn, achieve, and lead.
Your gift will benefit projects like :
School Improvement Grants – All 35 Millard schools receive funding for strategic initiatives within their buildings.
Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exam scholarships
School Wish Lists
Helping Millard Families in Need
You can help struggling Millard students and their families. Assisting families in need with the goal of having an immediate impact on a student’s ability to succeed. These funds help support food pantries located at most of our Millard high schools as well as connect Millard families in need with additional services in the Omaha community, which allow them to thrive in the future.
Your gift will benefit projects like :
MPS Family Fund – Helping Millard families in need
CORE Fund – Helping MPS teachers in need
Food Pantries at Millard South, Millard North, and Keith Lutz Horizon High Schools
Honoring Staff, Students, and our Community
Millard Public Schools is lucky to have some of the best teachers, staff, and students in the area. We are committed to honoring their achievements and showing our appreciation to teachers and staff throughout the year. We also support student enrichment and parent involvement throughout the district. You can feel proud of a community that puts teachers and students first.
Your gift will benefit projects like :
Appreciation events for Millard teachers and staff
Honoring excellence
Educator Awards
Supporting Bright Futures
Millard Public Schools Foundation has a long history of connecting graduating Millard seniors with available scholarships. With the rising cost of education, a scholarship can make all the difference. With the help of our generous donors, we reinvest in Millard students to grow into tomorrow’s leaders.
Your gift will benefit :
Graduating Millard seniors…LEARN MORE
School Wish Lists
Millard Public Schools Foundation donors are passionate about making a difference through tangible initiatives that directly impact kids. Funding a school wish list is the perfect way to make a big impact and provide experiences kids might not otherwise have.
Your gift will benefit projects like:
Student Snack Cabinets
Outdoor Musical Instruments
Staff Appreciation